
Regional Sales Director (Healthcare)

Remote - U.S.

We’re UserTesting, a leader in experience research and insights; we believe the path to human understanding and great experiences start with a shared understanding—seeing and hearing how another person engages with the world around them and taking in their perspective. Working at UserTesting, you will be empowered to help organizations discover the human side of business–transforming how they work, collaborate, innovate, and bring new products and experiences to market. This is what inspires us, and it’s how we enable companies to connect with their audiences naturally and organically through an experience that is uniquely, and intentionally human.

A trusted company by top brands for 15+ years, UserTesting, recently merged with UserZoom, has over 3,400 customers in 50 countries, including 75 of the Fortune 100 companies. Joining our team means being part of a passionate group focused on transforming how companies learn from and understand their customers. Come join us and help us build the engine for human understanding.

The Team

As part of UserTesting’s Go-to-Market function, the Revenue organization comprises over 100 sales professionals across multiple segments worldwide. The Healthcare segment is responsible for growing some of our largest customer relationships. 

The Healthcare team consists of Account Executives. Each manages a book of business “expand” accounts, with quarterly and annual growth targets across the entire suite of UserTesting solutions and has a patch of new business “land” accounts. They report to the Vice President of Healthcare. 

At UserTesting, it’s all about our people. We recognize that our people are the foundation of our success and growth. We believe in work-life balance and are fiercely family-first, whether that’s your at-home family or your UserTesting family. We’re committed to supporting your growth and development through our core company values.

The Opportunity

Joining our team as an Account Executive, allows you to play a key role in the continued expansion of UserTesting—the industry leader in experience research and digital human insights. We’re growing significantly across North America and Europe and are excited to welcome you on the journey!

Your focus will be on identifying and winning new accounts and retaining and growing the customer base across UserTesting’s broad solution set. You will identify, develop, lead, and execute the territory strategy with a team of Renewal Managers, Customer Success Managers, Solutions Consultants, and Business Development Representatives to initiate, build, and grow mutually beneficial, long-term customer relationships. 


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