
Product Designer, Domains


Tucows Domains is the world’s largest wholesale domain registrar, responsible for maintaining the health, neutrality, and openness of an important—but largely invisible part of the Internet: the domain name system (DNS).

As part of Tucows—one of the world’s largest Internet companies—Tucows Domains has a rich history of helping make the Internet better, operating globally under the Ascio, Enom, Hover and OpenSRS brands.

What's Next at Tucows

We embrace a people-first philosophy that is rooted in respect, trust, and flexibility. We believe that whatever works for our employees is what works best for us. It’s also why the majority of our roles are remote-first, meaning you can work from anywhere you can connect to the Internet! Today, over one thousand people from over 20 countries are part of our team.

If this sounds exciting to you, join the herd!

As a Product Designer at Tucows, you'll join a hardworking design team that believes that we > me. You'll own the end-to-end design process from discovery to the solution and build modern interfaces for websites and control panels. Our ideal candidate is someone who can transform complexity into intuitive experiences that delight and help people accomplish their tasks.

Your team will build the next generation interface that enables our customers to navigate our brand new hosting product with ease. Through close collaboration with customers and our teams you will gain deep insight into the goals, challenges and needs of resellers as they run their businesses and offer services to their clients. You will immerse yourself in their world, empathizing with their experiences, and be their champion for success.

In partnership with the broader product and design organization, you will explore the interdependencies and intersections across our product lines understanding where hosting fits into our experiences. With a deep understanding of the hosting experience, you will be a critical part of the team, helping to define the long term vision and supporting the PDE function to deliver on an outstanding user experience that elevates our connection to our customers and delivers delight at every stage of their interaction with us.

Approaching with an iterative mindset, you will validate assumptions, and continuously refine the experience based on reseller feedback and data-driven insights. Your goal is to deliver a modern, user-centric product that simplifies and streamlines the reseller journey, fosters loyalty, and drives business growth.

You will be a passionate advocate for our customers, collaborating …

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