
Policy Fellowship



 Girls Inc. seeks a doctoral candidate or post-doc for a 12-month fellowship to begin in January 2024.

The Fellow will be a member of the Girls Inc. Public Policy team, which conducts policy advocacy and public education/outreach to advance the rights and opportunities of girls and young women, with a particular focus on girls from low-income or underrepresented communities and backgrounds. The Fellow will conduct research to advance one or more facets of Girls Inc.’s National Policy and Advocacy Platform and will support the translation of that research into actionable policy recommendations, education, and/or initiatives:

  • Sexual Health, Safety, and Autonomy
    • Promote access to comprehensive sex education & sexual health services.
    • Advance menstrual equity. 
    • Combat sexual harassment & violence.
  • Equitable Access to Education
    • Reform school discipline policies and practices. 
    • Increase access to postsecondary education. 
    • Improve access for girls and other underrepresented groups to meaningful opportunities to pursue all career paths, including in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). 
  • Civic Engagement and Voting Rights
    • Promote high quality, sustained civic education in schools, for grades K-12. 
    • Support free and fair elections. 
    • Promote policies that make it easier for people to register to vote. Protect the rights of communities that have historically been excluded from freely voting.
  • Mental Health and Wellness
    • Increase access to mental health and wellness support for students in underserved communities. 
    • Combat the persistent stigma surrounding mental health issues and treatment. 
  •   Career Readiness and Workforce Development
    • Speed the entry of young women into positions of leadership by driving cultural change towards equity in the workplace.
    • Remove barriers to successful completion of college and career trajectories for individuals from underrepresented communities.

The Organization and the Public Policy Team

Girls Inc. inspires all girls to be strong, smart, and bold through direct service and advocacy. We work with schools and in communities to provide the mentoring relationships, safe spaces, and evidence-based programming that are proven to help girls succeed. Girls build the knowledge, skills, and confidence to lead change in their lives and effect change in the world. Girls Inc. also works with and for girls to advance legislation and policies that increase opportunities for all girls, with a particular focus on girls from low-income communities and girls of color. Together with partners and supporters, we are building a new generation of leaders. 

Overall, the Public Policy team’s efforts include work to:

  • Advocate at the federal level, with Congress, federal agencies, and the White House, to advance girls’ rights and opportunities, particularly regarding access to education, health and safety, and economic opportunity; and
  • Mobilize our local affiliate organizations and build their capacity to engage in advocacy at the federal, state, and local levels, and to facilitate girl-led advocacy work in their communities.

The Fellowship

Related to their area of inquiry, the Girls Inc. Policy Fellow will be expected to:

  1. Conduct scholarly research that will advance the field’s understanding and draft an article of publishable quality for a refereed trade journal that identifies promising practices, policy recommendations, and levers at the Federal, state, and/or local levels that will help advance those recommendations. 
  2. Engage in advocacy at the federal level, including direct contact with congressional offices and federal agencies;
  3. Represent Girls Inc. at relevant coalition meetings and associated public events and hearings; and
  4. Work with the Manager, Outreach and Activation to create girl-led advocacy tools stemming from their area of focus.

Through this work, the Fellow can build upon and sharpen their writing, research, analytical, and advocacy skills; gain experience implementing advocacy strategies and developing materials based on their research, tracking, and analysis of key legislation and other policies; get hands-on experience educating a diverse audience on how to take action on complex policy issues; and develop key professional skills with mentorship from the Public Policy team and others. The Fellow will work primarily with and be mentored by the other members of the Public Policy team, including Girls Inc. National Director of Public Policy.

The Fellow also will have the opportunity to collaborate with and learn from other staff on the Girls Inc. national team, local Girls Inc. affiliates, and partner organizations. Girls Inc. is a member of several national coalitions related to our policy and advocacy issues.


The fellowship term is 12 months. We require a commitment of approximately 25 hours per week. 


The candidate must possess:

  • A graduate degree, preferably in public policy, psychology, education, public health, or a related field;
  • Excellent analytical and oral and written communication skills;
  • Attention to detail and strong organizational skills;
  • Ability to collaborate with team members and coalition partners;
  • Initiative and creativity;
  • Willingness to ask questions, and to give and receive feedback.

Additional preferred skills and knowledge:

  • Experience working in a research, advocacy, or policymaking environment;
  • Experience with engaging allies and stakeholders across sectors or movements and working in coalitions;
  • Demonstrated commitment to and experience working on gender and racial equity and centering communities of color in approach to work.



The fellowship carries a stipend of $50,000.  The Fellow will work with a mutually agreed upon Supervisor who will receive a stipend of $10,000.

 How to Apply 

All applications must include the following materials to be considered for this position. 

  1.  Resume or CV;
  2. Personal statement of 200-250 words that addresses your research experience and your interest in contributing to this field;
  3. Abstract of 350-450 words that describes the research project you want to do, the specific questions you will be exploring for Girls Inc., why it is important, how it will benefit Girls Inc., and what resources it would take to complete (please note, while Girls Inc. will provide research mentorship and networking opportunities, no youth associated with Girls Inc. or Girls Inc. affiliates can be a part of the research inquiry process); 
  4. The objective of this Fellowship is to translate the research findings into advocacy actions and/or influencing, changing or creating policy that will positively affect girls. The Fellowship year concludes with both a publishable paper (required deliverable 1) as well as vehicles (required deliverable 2) to translate that paper’s findings to policy and advocacy audiences. Please provide a brief bulleted outline of how you would plan to structure the 12 month Fellowship period (12 months) to accomplish those goals.
  5. Writing sample of no more than 10 pages; and
  6. Two letters of recommendation that address your capacity to complete this research and draft an article of publishable quality for a refereed trade journal in the time allotted.


Girls Inc. is an Equal Opportunity employer and values a diverse workforce. We strongly encourage and seek applications from people with disabilities; people of all gender identities; people of color, including bilingual and bicultural individuals; veterans; and LGBTQ+ individuals.

Salary Description $50,000 stipend Apply

Job Profile


Fellowship opportunity Networking Professional development

  • Conduct research
  • Draft publishable articles
  • Engage in advocacy
  • Represent organization at events

Civic Engagement Community outreach Legislative Advocacy Mental Health Policy Advocacy Public education Research STEM Education Workforce Development


1-3 years


Doctorate Postdoctoral