
Online Admissions Consultant


We're StudyPoint, a tutoring company focused on providing a personal, customized 1:1 experience for students since 1999. We help students throughout the United States who need academic tutoring support or are preparing for the high school or college admissions process. We're backed by our impressive and effective tools and resources that have helped over 50,000 students fulfill their goals!

What we're looking for:

  • Encouraging, thoughtful, dynamic personalities
  • 5+ years of experience working in admissions
  • Minimum of a Bachelor's degree
  • Confidence consulting on all stages of the admissions process, including developing a balanced school list, preparing for interviews, writing essays, and more
  • Successful track record of consulting on all stages of the admissions process through submitted applications
  • Comfortable with technology
  • Able to commit to seeing students through the process

What we offer:

  • Flexible scheduling, no commute - tell us your availability and how many students you have the capacity to work with and we do the rest!
  • Exceptional support from above - you'll have a dedicated manager to do all selling and marketing for you! They’ll also work with you to ensure that your programs go well.
  • Opportunities for advancement - many of our full-time staff members started out as tutors or consultants!
  • Competitive hourly rate - pay range for this position is $75-$100/hour.
StudyPoint is an Equal Opportunity Employer.  All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, marital status, or sexual orientation. Apply

Job Profile


Competitive hourly rate Exceptional support Flexible scheduling No commute Opportunities for advancement

  • Consulting on admissions process
  • Developing school lists
  • Preparing students for interviews
  • Writing essays

Admissions consulting Essay writing Interview preparation School list development Technology Tutoring


5 years


Bachelor's degree