
2025-0087 Intelligence Collation Support For KFOR (NS) - TUE 25 Mar

Netherlands - Remote

Deadline Date: Tuesday 25 March 2025

Requirement: IT Support for Geospatial Data Production Environment

Location: Pristina, Kosovo [Note that Workable does not accept Kosovo locations; we have used a NATO location as a placeholder for the employee location field.]

Full Time On-Site: Yes

Time On-Site: 100%

Not to Exceed: 2025 BASE: NTE 65,700 Euro / (3 sprints / 21,900 Euro /Sprint)

2025 – Options: 1 Sprint (NTE 21,900 Euro)

2026 – Options: 4 Sprints Price per sprint will be determined by applying the price adjustment formula as outlined in CO-115786-AAS+ Special Provisions article

Period of Performance: 2025 BASE: As soon as possible not later than 1st May 2025 – 30th September 2025 with the possibility to exercise the following options:

2025 Option: 1st October 2025 until 31st December 2025

2026 Option: 1st January 2026 until 31st December 2026

Required Security Clearance: NATO SECRET



This is a position within the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA), an organization of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

To strengthen the Alliance through connecting its forces, the NCI Agency delivers secure, coherent, cost effective and interoperable communications and information systems in support of consultation, command & control and enabling intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities for NATO, where and when required. It includes IT support to the Alliances’ business processes (to include provision of IT shared services) to the NATO HQ, the Command Structure and NATO Agencies.

The Agency is an innovative and trusted Alliance partner and achieves its short- and long-term goals and objectives through the application of strategy-focused organizational principles, to which this position is directly linked.

This position is assigned to the Joint Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (JISR) Centre within the Agency, where the responsibility rests for accomplishing the full life cycle of assigned JISR services. NCI Agency operations are underscored by the organization’s core values and vision to be an essential, one-team contributor to NATO success.

This statement of work originates from the Intelligence Software Capability branch of the Joint Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Centre (JISRC) and references consultancy support for Intelligence Collation Support at Headquarters Kosovo Force (KFOR) in Pristina, Kosovo.


The work will be conducted within a team of collators inside the J2 of HQ KFOR.


The objective is to establish a sanitized and quality controlled version of the KFOR baseline of the INTEL-FS database that is ready for migration into the new Spiral 2 version of the INTEL-FS system in Q3/Q4 of 2026.

Since the introduction of INTEL-FS in KFOR in 2016, KFOR J2 have added several thousands of intelligence products and Battle Space Objects (BSO’s). The migration to the new Spiral 2 version of INTEL-FS requires a significant number of these records to be reviewed and sanitized.

To start the process, KFOR J2 Collation section have identified a set of 3,000+ records that require review and update of identified metadata fields of which the quality standards are defined in the KFOR J2 Collation Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Standard Operating Instructions (SOI). These documents will be available at the start of the work.

Subject records that have been identified as not meeting the quality standards as defined in the reference documents require review and update to meet these standards.


A sprint is considered completed/delivered when the metadata of a minimum of 600 identified records that were reviewed and quality checked by the contractor, are in compliance with the SOP/SOI and have been quality assured by the KFOR BSO manager.

The work is divided over 3 sprints of 4 weeks in 2025 with an option of 1 additional sprint in Q4 of 2025. Each sprint period consists of 6-day work-weeks with 10 hour working days. The first sprint period is fixed for the period 5th May until 31st May. The other two sprint periods that will occur before the end of Q3 of 2025, will be agreed with the NCIA POC during the first sprint.

Due to the AGILE approach of this project, the specific deliverables and associated acceptance criteria will be defined for each sprint between the NCI Agency and the contractor. This includes sprint planning, execution and review processes, which are detailed below:

Sprint Planning:

Objective: Understand what records are to be reviewed and updated and what procedures to follow.

Kick-off meeting: On May 5th, a kick-off meeting with the contractor, the KFOR J2 BSO manager and the NCIA POC will be held at KFOR HQ, to plan the objectives of upcoming sprints to meet the agreed deliverables.

A sprint period is 24 workdays of 6-day work-weeks with 10 hour working days. The first sprint period is fixed for the period 5th May until 31st May. The other two sprint periods will be agreed with the NCIA POC during the first sprint.

Sprint Execution:

Objective: How goes it. Every Friday morning of each sprint week, a team meeting will be held to discuss progress and, where necessary, the plans will be adjusted. The Meetings will be physically in the office, or in person via electronic means using Conference Call capabilities, according to the NCI Agency staff instructions and in close collaboration with KFOR J2.

A sprint is considered completed/delivered when the metadata of a minimum of 600 records are in compliance with the SOP/SOI and have been quality assured by the KFOR BSO manager.

Continuous improvement: to establish a continuous feedback loop, the contractor will closely work with the J2 collation team who can provide immediate feedback on questions / issues to may arise.

Progress Tracking: Contractor to use a shared spreadsheet to track the status of the sprint deliveries and any issues.

Quality Assurance/Quality Check: Contractor shall ensure that the quality standards agreed for the sprint deliverables are maintained throughout the sprint.

Quality Control: The NCIA POC in collaboration with the KFOR BSO manager performs the Final Quality Control of the agreed deliverables and provide feedback on any issues.

Sprint Review:

Objective of sprint review: To review the sprint performance and identify areas for improvement.

At the end of each sprint, there will be a meeting between the NCI Agency and the Contractor to review the outcomes against the acceptance criteria comprising sprint goals and agreed quality criteria.

Define specific actions to address issues and enhance the next sprint.

Sprint Payment:

For each sprint to be considered as complete and payable, the contractor must report the outcome of their work during the sprint, first verbally during the retrospective sprint review meeting and then in writing within three days after the sprint’s end date. A report must be sent by email to the NCI Agency manager, highlighting all work performed against the agreed tasking list set for the sprint.

The contractor's payment for each sprint will depend on the achievement of agreed Acceptance Criteria for each task, defined at the sprint planning stage. This will include specific delivery targets and quality standards as defined in this SoW.

The payment shall be dependent upon successful acceptance as set in the above planning/review meetings. This will follow the payment milestones that shall include a completed Delivery Acceptance Sheet (DAS) – (Annex B).

Invoices shall be accompanied with a Delivery Acceptance Sheet (DAS) – (Annex B) signed by the Contractor and project authority.

If the contractor fails to meet the agreed Acceptance criteria for any task, the NCI Agency reserves the right to withhold payment for that task/sprint.

The contractor will be part of a team providing BSO collation support, ensuring the secure, available, managed and compliant delivery.


The Contractor shall deliver services 100% on site at HQ KFOR, Pristina, Kosovo.

The contractor shall report to the NCIA POC. For the duration of the consultancy period, the contractor will provide services under the supervision of the NCIA POC in close collaboration with the KFOR J2 BSO manager. NCIA will ensure that adequate working conditions are provided.


The following deliverables are expected from this statement of work:

Complete the activities/tasks agreed in each sprint meeting as per section 3 above.

Produce sprint completion reports (format: e-mail update) or the formal documentation required per specific task;

The Contractor will participate in the daily reporting and planning activities (daily stand-ups), as requested by the NCIA POC.

The NCIA team reserves the possibility to exercise a number of options, based on the same deliverable timeframe and cost, at a later time, depending on the project priorities and requirements.

The payment shall be dependent upon successful acceptance of the Delivery Acceptance Sheet (DAS) – (Annex B)

Invoices shall be accompanied with a Delivery Acceptance Sheet (Annex B) signed by the Contractor and NCIA POC.

For each sprint to be considered as complete and payable, the contractor shall submit in writing by close of business on the Saturday of the last week of each sprint, a delivery report (Annex B) stating the number of records that were reviewed by the contractor in the INTEL-FS system and verified by the NCIA POC. This report will be used to formalize the acceptance of the deliverable.

The following deliverables are expected from the work on this statement of work:

2025 Baseline: 1 May to 30 September 2025

Deliverable: 3 sprints

Cost Ceiling: 3 X 21,900 EUR = 65,700 EUR

Payment Milestones: Upon completion of each sprint and at the end of the work. In accordance with the rules as laid down in this SOW.

2025 OPTIONS: 1 October 2025 to 31 December 2025

Deliverable: 1 sprint

Cost Ceiling: 21,900 EUR

Payment Milestones: Upon completion of each sprint and at the end of the work. In accordance with the rules as laid down in this SOW.

2026 OPTIONS: 01 January 2026 to 31 December 2026

Deliverable: Up to 4 sprints

Cost Ceiling: Price will be determined by applying the price adjustment formula as outlined in CO‐115786‐ AAS+ Special Provisions article 6.5.

Payment Milestones: Upon completion of each sprint and at the end of the work. In accordance with the rules as laid down in this SOW.


The BASE period of performance is as soon as possible but not later than 1st May 2025 and will end no later than 30th September 2025.

If the 2025 option is exercised, the period of performance is 01st October to 31st December 2025.

If the 2026 option is exercised, the period of performance is 01st January to 31st December 2026.


All the documentation provided under this statement of work will be based on NCI Agency templates or agreed with the project point of contact.

All support, maintenance and documentation will be stored under configuration management and/or in the provided NCI Agency tools.

All developed solutions under this project will be property of the NCI Agency.


The performance of these services require a valid NATO SECRET security clearance prior to the start of the engagement.

The expected classification level of the deliverables is NATO SECRET.

The execution of the services may require the contractors to access information, as well as CIS systems, classified up to NATO SECRET

At the HQ KFOR or other NATO sites, the highest level of classification that contractor may need to access is NATO SECRET (NS).


This is a deliverables-based contract.

The contractor will be required to provide the service 100% on site at KFOR HQ, Pristina, Kosovo.

NCIA Recognised Business hours/Holidays: The KFOR mission is a 24-hour operation with core business hours from 08:00 – 19:00 from Monday to Saturday. Outside of these hours, the operation is run by core staff.

Contractor Furnished Services: Contractor shall furnish everything required to perform the contract except for the items specified and covered under NCIA Furnished Property and Services below.

NCIA Furnished Property and Services: Access to relevant networks and environments will be provided by NCIA/KFOR.

The work depicted in this SOW is expected to be carried by a SINGLE RESOURCE.


The contractor will not be requested to travel beyond the main location of HQ KFOR. All travel arrangement in and out of Kosovo are to be arranged by the contracting company that is part of the costs


Quotation is requested for an all-inclusive workday. All-inclusive includes all travel and per diem costs that are required for the work specified in this SOW. No additional costs other than the daily rate will be charged for one workday.


[See Requirements]



  • The performance of these services require a valid NATO SECRET security clearance prior to the start of the engagement.


The consultancy support for this service requires following qualifications:

Essential qualifications

  • A minimum of 5 years of experience in military intelligence analysis within NATO or national positions to include data collation and intelligence data management.
  • A minimum of one year of experience with operating NATO intelligence systems for the management of Intelligence Information Entities.
  • Experience in collating Order of Battle records from intelligence reports in the NATO Intelligence system INTEL-FS.
  • Experience with searching and extracting data from the BICES Open Sesame 3 system.
  • Reasonable comprehension of the Serbian language for cross-checking information against open sources.
  • Proven ability to communicate effectively in English, both orally and in writing.
  • A high level of understanding of the NATO Intelligence Organization.
  • A high level of understanding of current NATO Operations.

Desired qualifications:

  • Previous experience in working in the J2 section of a NATO mission HQ
  • Previous experience in working with building and updating Ground Orders of Battle
  • Sound knowledge of MS Office products

Job Profile






100% on-site On-site required

  • Review and update metadata
  • Sanitize intelligence records
  • Support database migration

Agile Battle space objects Database migration Geospatial data Intelligence Products IT Support Metadata review Quality Control Standard operating instructions Standard Operating Procedures


NATO Secret


Europe/Amsterdam UTC+1